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Be succesfull and 
manage your ICT landscape 
with us

MoveICT: the Enterprise Architects for professionals

Managing your business in a volatile world is challenging. When your ICT world is filled with a complex and ever changing application landscape, it is hard to keep control and predict impacts of changes. 

We offer to accept this challenge with you and will enable you to manage the application landscape and supporting infrastructure. Support for the bussiness is key. Keeping track of changes and impact in your ICT arena is top sport and staying ahead of the game requires you to be top fit and equiped with the beste tools and professional support you can get. 

MoveICT is your partner in this game. We have your back if you let us. 


You start to understand the issue. You want to be able to improve the management of your entire application landscape. You want to bring value to the business processes. Thinking about this you want to explore the opportunity and come up with a solid vision and strategy to move forward.

Ask MoveICT for advise


You have a vision on how to bring Entreprise Architects on board to start mapping the application landscape and ICT infrastructure. You want to explore the first business questions and perform as a specialist from the start. You want a Proof of Value and see the potential of our service. 


Implement EAaS

The concept is clear to you. You have some or a lot of experience. The vision is shared within your organisation and everybody is ready to do it and to do it right this time. A proper implementation of Entreprise Architecture as a Service is the solution to put in place. You want to work with the best in the business.


We have a generic framework for our way of working with you. We create the different domains of your entire ICT landscape from the business processes you support, the applications you have in place for it and the infrastructure it runs on. We add other domains of knowledge to this like the organisation and people you need for that. 

From this framework we start analysing business questions with you. In this framework we can map out any risk, dependency or weakness you did not see before. This can inlcude the contracting, suppliers and ultimately the costs of running it. 


"I was blown away by the results of the proof of concept and I new it was going to make my life so much easier."

Gartner Magic Quadrant

MoveICT is Ardoq Partner

MoveICT is implementation partner for the Ardoq Platform. Form the start we have worked with this platform and we are pleased to see that Gartner has named Ardoq a Leader in de Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Architecture Tools. For us it is no surprise but a confirmation of our choice.